Wednesday 11 June 2014

How to Create Kali Linux Custom ARM image For Samsung Mobile ?

- You will need to use the cross compilers from  github 

armel images (RPi) will use

armhf images will use

A sample workflow would look similar to (armhf):

Steps:- Terminal Type The following Codes:-

mkdir ~/arm-stuff

cd ~/arm-stuff

git clone

export PATH=${PATH}:/root/arm-stuff/gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7/bin

git clone

cd ~/arm-stuff/kali-arm-build-scripts


 ./ 1.0

If you are on 32bit, after the script finishes running, you will have an image
file located in ~/arm-stuff/kali-arm-build-scripts/chromebook-1.0/ called
kali-1.0-chromebook.img and a sha1sum file for it.  **_You will need to use your own

preferred compression if you want to distribute it._**

that's It